
Tagebuch 10.09.06


  因為要寫有關於嗅覺的論文,所以看了Gabrielle GlaserNose一書。書中提到不少相關的知識。





When I was growing up, I learned very early that I had an unusually acute sense of smell. I was able to sniff out hot wires before they caught fire, predict weather changes, and detect food on the verge of going bad. But my fifth sense also predisposed me to worry. Even before normal cues told me things had gone astray, my nose sensed danger, or fear.(原文P.1)



Formore than twenty years I had advoided hyacinths as a painful souvenir of my grandfather’s death.(原文P.8)




Each olfactory neuron in the nose has a long fiber, or axon, that pushes through a tiny space in the bone about it, the cribriform plate. There it makes a connection with other neurons in the olfactory bulbs, two cylinders about the width of a pencil that rest behind the gap in the eyebrows. Like a telephone switch point, the olfactory bulbs are the site of key connections; from there, impulse are relayed to the brain’s limbic system, which governs emotions, sexuality, and drive, and the hippocampus, which is thought to encode the information into memory. Connections between the olfactory bulb and the neocortex, the part of the brain responsible for thoughts, language, and behaviors, are thought to be more circuitous.(原文P.98)



Research on smell is, of course, far from simply research on smell. As it turns out, the receptors used to detect odors are closely related to the protein receptors in our brains that recognize neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine – those responsible for our emotional well-being. Genes much like those for odor receptors may, it is thought, control other types of chemical sensing, such as the ability of sperm to locate an egg. Similar receptors also may function in a special structure in the nose called the vomeronasal organ. They help to detect special chemical signal called pheromones, which regulate hormone release, mating, and social functions in animal – and possibly in humans.(原文 P.103)



Our ability to detect scent is the most ancient sense….Imagine the brain as an archeological site, with three layers. The oldest part, the brain stem… Built like a thick stalk, the brain stem originates in the spinal cord and reaches up to the next layer, the limbic system, which encases the amygdala, two almond-sized organs largely responsible for feelings and temperament. In a bow to its close connection to smell, the limbic system was originally called the “rhinencephalon”, literally, the “nose-brain.” (原文 P.104)



Scientists attributed this to the lack of “writing” between the part of the brain that recognizes odor and that which processes language. Another commen belief was that smell had a greater influence on emotions than other senses because of the olfactory cortex’s proximity to the limbic system.(原文P.104)



Somehow, we get the message early on that our sense of smell is primal – too primal for polite society.(原文P.107)



So he leached some of the cells and put them in solvents. To his surprise, when he left some of the extracts in open vials around the lab, he noticed a sudden – and puzzling – rise in carmaraderie among a group of coworkers. Normally, they snapped at each other, and ate their sandwiches hunched over papers in their cubicles. Yet when the liquid skin extracts were left out in the open, Berliner’s colleagues suddenly laughed, joked, ate lunch together, and even played bridge. Strange, Berliner thought, as he observed the group. Some months later, he put the containers away, and the group became churlish again.(原文P.114)



Johnson & Johnson recently agreed to find trials for two antianxiety agents- one for women, one for men. Berliner says the antianxiety agent works as a simple prophylactic. “If you have to give a speech , and are terrified of facing crowds, you sniff the drug and immediately feel better,” he says. “The panic dissipates immediately.” The synthetic pheromone is delivered in a nasal spray, sending signals to the hypothalamus to relax. Dosages are minute- mere picograms(one- billionth of a milligram)- and, because they are not ingested, have no toxic effects, Berliner says.(原文P.120)



Rachel Herz, an experimental psychologist at Brown University who researches the effects of odors on behavio, asked 166 women what makes a man attractive enough to consider sleeping with. The women said that appearance mattered, of course, as well as the sound of a man’s voice and the touch of his skin, but scent was ranked as the most important, particularly in deciding whom not to sleep with.(原文P.125)



Even in the age of logic and abstract thinking, the nose, this “primitive organ  of smell, the basest of senses,” as a priest ib the book put it, held sway in inexplicable ways. Perfume ,which topped international best-seller lists for months, shows that even the thought of scent’s powers captivates us still.(原文 P.126)



7.1[伍德的嗅覺喪失症 Wood’s Anosmia]失去嗅覺使伍德十分懊惱,她覺得「像在一顆密封的泡沫裡過日子。」「氣味對我的生命有很重大的意義。少女時代的我,淘汰男朋友的辦法常常就是看他們是不是能夠接受我滿身的馬廄味。」她說。如今,生命有一個面向完全消失了。馬匹冥頑的氣味不再縈繞她的靴子和頭髮。爬上了乾淨床單的床,不再有舒適放鬆的感覺。「我在哪兒,可是我也不在那兒。如果你就全面來看-我會走路、會呼吸,還可以生活。這樣還要抱怨,好像不應該。可是事情就是這樣。我只是還能生活而已。」(P.136)

The loss has devastated Wood. She feels, as she put it, “like I go through the day in a sealed bubble.”… “Smells have such meaning in my life. As a young girl, I could always weed out boyfriends by whether or not it was OK with them that I smelled like a barn,” she says. Now, a dimension is gone from everything. The heady odor of the horses no longer lingers on her boots and hair. Climbing into a bed with clean linens isn’t comforting anymore. “I’m ther but I’m not,” she says. “It sounds crazy to complain when you dd it up- I’m walking, breathing, functioning. But that’s just it. I’m just functioning.”(原文P.136)

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