Tagebuch 07.01.12
a.Kohji Matsubayashi
「(Feb. 12, 2012) TOKYO TOY MUSEUM, PT. 8: so on last Sunday my daughter and I had a very good time at the museum (actually the entire building and the ground of an abolished elementary school being reused for this museum) with many kids, babies, and of course various kinds of wooden toys/equipments - spent many hours there - on our way back home, before we got to the subway station, she suddenly stopped on the road, like this - she proudly declared: "Papa, I am pausing on the Stop Sign here!"
「(Feb. 12, 2012) TOKYO TOY MUSEUM, PT. 4: the museum even has a miniature, kids version of “Japanese tea ceremony room” - I've heard short “tea ceremony” lecture class for children sometimes takes place here
「(Feb. 12, 2012) TOKYO TOY MUSEUM, PT. 5: one of the famous old Japanese toy games, "Daruma Otoshi" - hitting a wooden piece of Dharuma dolls with a small hammer, from bottom to the top, without letting the pieces fall - my daughter couldn't do that well yet
「(Feb. 11, 2012) BALLET COSTUME FOR THE FEST: she brought back home, after the rehearsal yesterday evening
「(Feb. 12, 2012) MEINE BREZEL SIEHT AUS WIE EN GESICHT: last night I went a German Beer Restaurant in Shimbashi with other fellow Linux developers to have a late "New Year Party" - the restaurant gave us pretzels probably as souvenirs - then at this breakfast my daughter was playing with this :)
「(Feb. 12, 2012) TOKYO TOY MUSEUM, PT. 1: my daughter and I visited Tokyo Toy Museum today to take part in a "making stories as panel frames" event - every kid brought his/her own favourite toys, drew each frame on a coloured paper, placed toys on the paper, then added a word balloon, and papa/mama took a photo for each frame - a collaborative work with kids and parents to make a series of story in their own tastes
「(Feb. 8, 2012) "RIBBIT" SHE IMITATES: "I was just chatting with this cute one!"
「(Feb. 5, 2012) KNEADING THE PIZZA DOUGH: sitting against the "Let's Have A Pizza Party" LP album by The Gaylords / 「Let's Have A Pizza Party」
09.小孩用英文問我「May I have a cup of milk please?」。喝完之後用日文說,「我想要洗我的杯子,因為這個杯子是我的杯子」
「(Feb. 1, 2012) SOME BY MYSELF: "Papa, may I have a cup of milk please?" she asked me in English - she enjoyed the milk, then she said, this time in Japanese "I want to wash my cup, because it's mine!"
「(Jan. 20, 2012) CARRYING AN EMPTY KEROSENE CAN: she insisted to do this, "because I want to help you, Papa!"
「(Jan. 31, 2012) PLAYING THE ARISTOCATS' MARIE, SHE SAYS: makeup holiday today as we had a kindergarten recital last Saturday - little princess and her mama going to a hamburger restaurant (not McDonalds or the likes haha) with her good friends
「(Jan. 19, 2012) FEELS LIKE IN HEAVEN: "I love dashimaki rolled egg!" at a local sushi restaurant
「(Jan. 21, 2012) AGAIN, NOT FOR SALE: but she always loves to play dummy like this
「(Jan. 9, 2012) PRAYING FOR SOMETHING IN HER MIND: at a local shrine」
「(Jan. 18, 2012) CURLY LADDER (aka CORKSCREW MONKEY BAR), PT.2: "Papa! Help me get down the ladder!
「(Jan. 18, 2012) JUNGLE GYM ROPE, PT.1: "it's a bit scary but I'm trying!"
「(Dec. 10, 2011) THE WINNER TAKES TWO: she still had a slight fever she asked me to go somewhere so bad, so we two visited "Seki no Boro-ichi" (street flea market in Musashi-Seki town) - surprisingly the fest itself has very old and long history, said it started over 350 years ago - the origin was a street rag fair around the Honryuji Temple that holds an yearly memorial service for Nichiren Shonin (the founder of Nichiren Buddhism) - anyway my daughter was so excited to see various fest stalls and the crowds on the street, and she started pestering me for something to eat - more precisely "chocolate-coated banana" (very common at Japanese old style market stalls) - the stall we chose carried an interesting system: "if you win rock paper scissors game you take two choco bananas - otherwise you take one" - and she won the Janken beautifully - pink one for herself, brown one for her papa
(Dec. 12, 2011) SHE'S NEARLY BACK: she had struggled with a high fever, cold, runny nose and even pink eye last weekend - but at last she's back now with full force - however I thought she needed another day to rest, so she was absent from the kindergarten today, and I took her both to an otolaryngologic clinic and to an ophthalmological clinic. Hope she'll enjoy the day at the kindergarten tomorrow...
「(10:50 AM, Nov. 23, 2011) BALANCE BIKE, DAY 10, PART 3: suddenly, and all too soon, the moment has come - she's made it so easily - 23rd of November is Thanksgiving Day, but starting today it's also her "bicycle" day
b.Lass Suicide
Lass Suicide是英國19歲的學生。身上刺滿了刺青。每次他上傳照片,也是很吸引我。
「Bought this body online... Did not realise I would look like an aerobics trainer from the 80's. Safe to say its going back!」
sad eyes
Such a busy week ahead. Lazy Sunday
07. I miss times at the mill
08. I think I prefer film to digital photographs now
09. Got a couple edited images back
01. 天氣冷保暖
02. 吃飯的女孩
03. 雨天喝熱飲
04. 星巴克摺紙
05. 週日天氣好
01. 精神好的妹妹
02. Family Day
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